Coming Soon – Print and Digital Subscriptions Newsletter

In a little over a week, we will be delivering the first issue of a newsletter on Print and Digital Subscriptions. The newsletter will explore the strategy behind delivering great print and digital subscriptions. (Tweet This) We will touch on content, after all content is king, but the focus will be on the sale and delivery. What does the subscription model look like and how can it be optimized and grown. We will draw from personal experience as well as research to explore strategies and solutions that you can utilize to start your own subscription product or utilize to improve and increase an existing subscription product.

We are using the term “subscription product” for lack of a better general term. Your subscription product could be physical or digital and range from a newsletter like ours to physical items like books, toys, or razor blades. Again, the Print and Digital Subscription newsletter is more about sales and delivery. The creation of the subscription model and the strategies that can be used to launch or expand your subscription product.

To sign up send us an email at with “Hell Yeah!” in the subject, sign up in the pesky email box that floats around this site from time-to-time, or fill out the form below. If you use the form below, take the time to tell us what you are interested in learning about in the newsletter.

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